Wendys For The Culture

 Wendy's® | Home of Fresh, Never Frozen Beef Since 1969


  • Culture: unapologetic, authentic; communicates with audience via social media, main source of interaction with their consumers and audience is twitter. The most Icon memes and interactions come from twitter where a lot of people tweet their opinions and ideas.

  • Frosty is their signature, use it in their branding. Frosty has been the main trademark for Wendy's it causes a lot of consumers to drive through Wendy's on a hot summer day to get a frosty.

  • Values: authenticity, quality, deals and affordability, humor.

  • Social practices: social media use, ads, promote deals, talk and interact with audience on twitter. Their social media presence has been huge for years, they have been very active making fun of other fast foods and how their quality of food isn't top notch as Wendy's.


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