Neo-Aristotelian Analysis of Chimamada Ngoni Adichie “The Danger of a single story”

Image result for chimamanda ngozi adichie

Link to Ted Talk video: 



  • Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie is a Nigerian Speaker/Novelist, who has wrote two books before her 2009 Ted talk speech (The Danger of a Single Story). She comes from a family full of educators giving her the tools to be College educated and gaining knowledge about culture and publishing industry by reading American and British children’s books 


  • Chimamanda speech took place in 2009, it was a weird year since the world was dealing with US immigration, Barack Obama was elected as U.S. President, a lot of Divisive Politics and Identity discourse. Her speech took place in a Ted Talk Setting/Conference. 


  • Chimamanda audience were mostly Ted Talk/Conference goers. 
  • She also targeted Scholars and People interested in literature. 



  • Ethos Standing on Podium (Mic’d Up) 
  • Discusses her non profit organization 
  • Personal Stories and accounts relate to credibility 
  • Utilizing expertise in publishing and writing to share her stories 


  • Chimamanda starts her speech with personal childhood narratives and also sharing stories about childhood and education. 
  • She shares own times where she has perpetrated single stories throughout her lifetime 
  • Then she moves into holistic commentary into how we should change socially around culture groups we do not know. How can we be better as individuals. 


  • Throughout her ted talk speech she gives multiple clear examples on how people had single storied her. Also, experience with single stories; a young boy in her village Mexican-American relations. 


  • Throughout her speech she was very Conversational, Honest and Humor. 
  • She also used callbacks and flashbacks to help her arguments and she repeated dialogue throughout the speech. 


  • Chimamanda delivery throughout the speech were Personable, Funny and Honest to her listeners. 


  • Generated over 11 million views on YouTube and over 32 Million TEDtalk views 
  • Points are memorable to audience 
  • A lot of positive comments under the YouTube video, Professors recommends their students to watch this video. 
  • Engagement on Twitter. 

My Opinion on Neo-Aristotelian: 
  • Neo-Aristotelian is a good its a general way to criticize and understand a speech, gives insight and understands how this topic is important to the speaker. We focus on how things can be perceived throughout the speech, for example understanding their style, argument and delivery can be very helpful for understanding more about the topic and speaker. 



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