Who is 2018's King of Late Night Television - The Interrobang

Late Night Comedy Shows

(Textual Analysis)


  • A lot of comedy shows sometimes have a video section where a skit/context is created to set up their joke. It helps the audience have an idea of what the comedian jokes are going to be focused on.

  • Pulling from current events and news to create jokes, most comedian jokes comes from current events because the topic is fresh and mainly everybody in the world has acknowledged that current event.  

  • Typically use political commentary

  • Usually one person standing or sitting and looking into camera; audience off camera can be heard laughing 

  • Music performances, band to emphasize comedy routine

  • Comedy monologue, skits, featured guests and famous musicians perform, Having other celebrities on their show helps bring in different audience group. For example having Lil baby on the Jimmy Kimmel show will bring a set of different than a normal audience that the Jimmy Kimmel show will bring.

Rhetorical Use of Characteristics

  • General Function: 

    • Connecting with audience, relying on interaction and in-house laughter. Connection with the audience is important not engaging with your audience can lead to dead crowds. Majority of comedians do a great job of involving audience interaction.

    • Using own personal identity to create jokes, not just relying on jokes of others

    • Guests are recently trending and popular; appealing to mass audience and what is trending at the moment for audiences. Also, bringing such guests on their shows helps viewing rates rise and different engagement.

  • Specific Instance:

    • This week, Constance Wu and and 5 Seconds of Summer appear on Late Night with Seth Meyers because Wu is currently in the news about sexual assault she faced on the set of her sitcom “Fresh Off the Boat.” 5SOS appears because they recently released an album, and perform a new song on the show. 

  • Future:

    • Majority of comedians make jokes about self to beat other people at making jokes about them, understanding if that they tell those jokes before other comedians it'll be more funny.


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